The Inclusion & Support Team: Whilst the methods of delivery will vary according to age, mixing as appropriate thematic study and discrete subject-based teaching, the aim is to ensure high levels of achievement in the ‘Mulbacc’ by age 16 either in academic or technical qualifications. The Trust considers this to be a suitable base for specialising further at advanced level in either academic or technical learning at one of the Trust’s sixth forms or the UTC prior to university or apprenticeship.
Mulberry Learn: Schools within the Mulberry Schools Trust will have access to Mulberry Learn. Mulberry Learn, a VLE powered by Microsoft teams is an outstanding learning platform through which students can be taught, can learn, can interact and achieve both within school but also remotely. It is a shared portal to which each school has its own access point and on which all learning resources for students are stored. Students and staff are able to access units of work and resources as well as activities and assessments. This allows teachers to prepare more easily, cutting down workload. It allows students to carry out supported independent learning and to join live lessons even when not physically in school. It helps students to ‘prep’ lessons beforehand and parents / carers to help their children at home.
Inclusion, Support for Learning and Pastoral Care: An inclusive provision across the Mulberry Schools Trust is an essential part of the ethos that underpins it. Provision is comprehensive and, with the exception of our Special and Alternative Provision, all schools have a mixed ability intake that follows the Tower Hamlets admissions policy and the DfE’s Admissions Code.
As far as possible, students with severe and complex needs are accommodated in the mainstream schools in the Trust. Where (on rare occasions) the standard curriculum is not appropriate for a child, this is discussed with parents, the child and senior leaders to agree a rigorous alternative with challenging progress milestones. Students with special educational needs and disability (SEND) and students with EAL (English as an additional language) have access to specialist assistance to ensure that their needs are fully met. Specialist teachers carry out reviews and update Education and Healthcare Plans (EHCs). At times, students may be referred to specialists in the Inclusion team or they may be referred to external services such as CAMHS or social services.
Pastoral care is essential to support students’ achievement and it is regarded by the Trust as an area of professional expertise that is closely tied to Inclusion. Each school in the Trust has a team of Heads of Year / pastoral leaders who take responsibility for students’ personal development and well-being. They oversee teams of form tutors and contribute to the development of PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education). They use the Inclusion service to support their work and they have a multi-agency panel meeting monthly to ensure that students causing concern in relation to their personal needs are properly supported.
The multi-agency elements of the Inclusion service will eventually be shared with some dedicated officers based in schools and some that will be offered centrally. These services may include:
- A school counsellor
- A school nurse
- A learning mentor
- An attendance and welfare officer
- Child protection officers
- A school social worker
- A police liaison officer
- A parent liaison officer
- Educational psychology and speech therapy services
Safeguarding of students is a priority and so the pastoral care team in each school works alongside this multi-agency team to promote students’ well-being and safety. Parent liaison and support has proved critical to the success of students within schools in the Trust. Schools in the Trust benefit from a family learning programme. Mulberry’s dedicated centre for parents – the Mulberry and Bigland Green Centre – with a Children’s centre and extensive offer of classes in basic skills, advice and support workshops on such issues as breast cancer, drugs addiction, safety on the internet and prevention of extremism is offered to all.